Don’t F****ing Jinx It!!!

Want to know irony?  Writing in your blog about how your playlist works, then the player craps out days later.  We’ve learned two lessons: 1. don’t jinx it!, 2. research the electronic gadget you want to purchase .  Just wanted to share that little bit.  I have a new mp3 player and am working on familiarizing myself with how to make it do the stuff I want it to.  I didn’t lose my music, the thing is just useless for playing music anymore.  Silver lining: I don’t worry about my toddler breaking it while taking pictures…take all the pictures you want and touch that screen!  Go ahead! Can’t make it work much less right?  That’s all I had to say though.  I want to get back to working on the player and playlists, maybe even play a little Star Wars: the Old Republic before I have to pick up my boy.